Saturday, December 8, 2018

Maha Yogi meets Swami Drama

Swami Drama was a wealthy and influential saint, born in the Himalayas in the 1970's. He was an Anglicized Indian, often nostalgic of the Raj and still stuck in a time capsule of the Queen and the dramatics of administration.

He was based on gas, a gas information channel, which you could subscribe to, gas in this I.T era , gas on spirituality.

He still had a dramatic mind set, was persecuted by the east and often seek shelter in England or the East Coast in New England.
His drama mindset was based on the Anabaptist church, actually Amish business which was English. This included waste from their animals, which converted to fuel, gas, gas information!, a soup of Information Technology in this computerized world. Swami Drama had a gas information channel on spirituality too and you could subscribe to it.

While most people would think of this as farting, Swami Drama was actually rather successful and taken very seriously.

Maha Yogi met him in the business Lounge of Qatar Airways, why on earth would one fly by Qatar? It was his misfortune, but was lucky in a way to have met Swami Drama, who was so powerful and famous, drooling in wealth and his own spake.

Maha Yogi had seen much material on Swami Drama's public profile and propaganda, of his Earth changing spirituality. He asked him, while you preach simplicity, in living and thought, why would you embrace the excess of a business lounge, of Rajas, from the daridra and the  kaula. To which Swami Drama confided that he grew up in poverty and had frankly failed God's test, still clinging to material wealth, which he accepted as part of God's gift to him, a mistake he confessed to have committed. 
This super-saint image of his was far larger than reality, which he had to live up to, which had taken a toll on him and burnt him inside out. His heart longed to confess the truth to his followers and apologize, and return to a simple existence in the Himalayas, but he thought no one would believe him and would not leave him alone. He had become a monkey displayed to the public each day on a leash and forced to produce minor miracles and impress the folk, rich and poor, all of whom only seek material comfort and constantly harbor him for it, so much that the real man he was had died leaving a shell of a 'saint' supported by alcohol and women. He had become a demon and despised himself, he begged Maha Yogi to save him. 
Maha Yogi was a truly realized man and professed that a day would come when Swami Drama would renounce his title and image and vanish, to a place about which,  only he would know about. He asked him to fake death, to cover it up and spend his last days in God realization. 

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