Thursday, August 23, 2018

Siddhartha and the Sarracenia

Siddhartha and the Sarracenia
Anil Kumar Bheemaiah, 8/23/2018 9:10 AM

Young Siddhartha was in the garden, with plants, he was forbidden from playing with,
His father wanted to keep him away from the suffering and torment prevalent in nature, but as with all
little children, he rebelled, and curiosity got the better of him.
He watched the pitcher plants, as fly after fly landed in it, suffering in agony, struggling to leave the
pitcher, being slowly digested by acidic enzymes, decaying with the pitcher into a rotten mass, while a
new pitcher grew, repeating the cycle, nourishing the plant.
This was life, the decayed pitcher had dead flies, cockroaches and mosquitoes, all corpses, decayed,
partially digested, nourishing the  plant.

Siddhartha had never seen so much suffering, and wondered why there was torment and suffering.
He decided to leave home to meditate and find the answer.
After years in meditation under a bodhi tree, Siddhartha, finally understood the reason for all this suffering
, the insects were undergoing. He believed that the insects were totally immersed in this world, and were
holding on to life, to the Maya, they were tempted by the sweet nectar of the pitcher plant and were led
into a labyrinth of suffering and torment as they clung to life.The blind , the maze of light vanished for
the bees, and they realized that the pitcher was always open for them to leave. They were lighter and
free of bondage, freed from suffering and torment as they flew to freedom, busy as they were, foraging
for true nectar from wildflowers, to feed their young.

I propose to make a plant installation with a pitcher plant , to describe this metaphor and story of
Siddhartha at some place and time.

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