Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Amazon Religion.

Mahayogi, once met an indigenous shaman, a monk or druid on the banks of the Mississipi.
The conversation grew, to why the Mississipi is not sacred? The Shaman, said from the first nation, even the rivers of commerce are sacred too? Why is there a dichotomy?
Amazon is sacred to the indigenous people, the rain forests, the river, while it is commerce, especially e-commerce to the world.
Mahayogi thought the amazonian electric eel, could be the sacred figure, would Amazon, with it's Prime Vans and Amazon Dogs, be the medium? And trans-humanism and A.I the religion? Maybe the Amazon Spheres were the sacred space? A conservatory and work environment with thousands of cloud plants, depicting the race and the religion in huge live walls, while Amazonians and their pets worked hard, doing all the heavy lifting, for a better computer-human interface? Like the Alexa?
Maybe the need of the day is more Amazon Sphere like spaces and more drop-shipped e-commerce?

Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Dark Forest Theory

Mahayogi was in the midst of a discussion with a pastor, who was delusional with his faith,
I agree we have just gambled and are nothing more than alcoholics, cried the pastor, there must be a way out.
Mahayogi disagreed, he said that there is a biodiversity of spiritualities, much like that of creation, but were you all traced to Adam and Eve, or did the population come out of the blue?
Pastor disagreed, we do not even have the signs of intelligence the rest of humanity and the animal kingdom possess, all we have achieved in our belief in Jesus Christ, is the destruction of the rest of humanity, the animal kingdom, all to create an Armageddon Day and a dog eat dog world. There is no magic here, just illusionism, and the illusionism of fish and bread for the masses, is the sole cause of misery, it was an act of theft and the Lord was punished for the flatlandedness, the anthropomorphism and the traumatology of such theft. That was his crime that led to his Crucifixion.

Mahayogi agreed, one had the choice in the ontological ground, the orbits of life, and one did not have to subscribe to this theology at all, it was mostly irrelevant, irrelevant in post-industrialized society, maybe the Universe is really simulated, agreed the two.