Monday, December 17, 2018

Bodhi Kapilavastu Baba

MahaYogi had heard about a great realized saint named Bodhi Kapilavastu Baba, he was a Buddhist, and was fortunate enough to meet him on a trail, by the Gyansarovar lake.
Baba was resting by a rock, when Maha Yogi recognized him, he had hardly aged from the photograph Yogi had seen decades ago. Highly realized saints do not age and have a mastery over life and death, Baba was one such saint who was reclusive, so Yogi was a little reluctant to speak to Baba and asked him politely if he could spend some time in a philosophical discussion on the essential Buddha nature.

MahaYogi said that the mind, both buddhi and chittas, is essentially a causal machine creating a correlation between events as perceived by the senses and actions, other events, a perception which we call causality. If God played with us, creating reinforcements for inputs, we would simply keep correlating, creating meaning out of a reinforcement learning algorithm which is essentially like an automaton, garbage in and garbage out? How does Buddhism address this?

Baba replied that it is the Buddha Nature, of things, the way of seeing, and using the senses, that would liberate you from the reinforcement learning. While acausal thinking is beyond the realm of a living man, the mind can create illusions and the world is such an illusion, to transcend which you find the Buddha nature in it and the way it is connected in it's true nature, and not in the veil of perception in the reinforcements and it's causality.

Yogi and Baba had a long fruitful discussion and Baba bid my goodbye and continued his journey down the trail. He was fortunate to meet such realized souls who answered many of his doubts, which lingered, almost as if they had a life of their own.

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