Friday, September 25, 2020

MahaYogi and Swami Rama.

MahaYogi was purely fiction, I live in the parable, he replied, meeting Swami Rama, sometime before his demise in 1995, since only the living read non fictional literature and the characters live in an abstraction, some large cloud of imagination in all the readership, especially the younger readership. The author liked to call this the Childverse too, for it was part of that childhood spontaneity, the imagination, retained so deep in that inner child as one grew up, slowly losing contact with it, to some wealthy few was it evergreen, like a inner Shangrila, and it remained the constant companion as one seek more and more inertial reality for was only inertia real?

Swami Rama, a living legend, A GuruDeva to many, believed children to be the messiahs of God, worshiping the divinity in everyone, he though the Lord dwelt in the Childverse. But when did MahaYogi meet him. When he did read this Blog the reader may inquire? It was only published recently, long after he had deceased, cried the voice of reason. Irrationality is causal replied MahaYogi, in creationism, is all in that moment and late Swami Rama belonged there, in that one moment, predating time itself, and we meet there, I who is pure fiction and he of fact.

What about the story of the septic pipe inquired an inquisitive child? In that far away imaginary realm. You should read the excerpt from his book: Living With the Himalayan Masters, to summarize, the odd septic pipe with some stumps of wood and stones, became an installation art resembling a living saints energy ....

If rationality had a living voice, it had found a little one in the Childverse and reason seemed to disagree with this story, for it made no scientific sense, nor did the fact that Humans were not feral anymore and failed the Orange Pip test, if they dispersed Orange  Trees by ingesting Oranges and carefully burying the poop with seeds in it, they had invented Real Estate, the indoors and the Town. The entire marketing and advertising.

So here was MahaYogi's advertisement, Swami Rama marketed as the true feral saint, with true knowing, intuition and divinity. He was the GuruDeva, will you find out the feral way?


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