Friday, January 3, 2020

many world realities

MahaYogi met Professor Gucchi at a conference on world religions, Gucchi was a leading advocate of many world interpretation of quantum gravity and was a leading E8 theorist. E8 was a leading theory of fiber-based unification theory. He believed in an MWI viewpoint, a viewpoint was so hard-lined that he believed in the universal policing, a concept where a matrix-like augmentation of the universe exists where at every branch of space-time where a law is broken a Guardian stands guard, waiting to prevent crime.
MahaYogi disagreed, he believed in a filter theory of the simulated universe with the dharma principle, this dharmic universe has only the righteous space-time, the world of all possibilities, simultaneously in existence, only if they are dharmic, a spiritual technology of the Buddha, upheld by the masses and the believers, giving special meaning to spirituality.
Dr. Gucchi found this deeply meaningful, the concept of spiritual technology itself was meaningful to him. He inquired if one could create such technology for oneself? If meditation was practical.
Yes, replied MahaYogi, it is a practical science and restoring dharma in your life is the sole need for spirituality these days, people will then be ethical, will stop stealing from you and will repay your kindness and good deeds.

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